Friday, October 18, 2013

Shetay Ashford Recognized for Receiving a Fellowship

Tampa, FL - October 18, 2013. Shetay Ashford, doctoral student in Career and Workforce Education at the University of South Florida (USF) was recognized for receiving a Fellowship for Graduate Student Success. She was recognized during the 2013 Scholars of Excellence Program: Leadership and Scholarship in Action, held on Friday, October 18, at the Marshall Center on the USF campus. This is an event organized by the USF’s Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) to honor its student-scholars as part of its annual Scholars of Excellence Program. President Judy Genshaft, Senior Vice Provost & Dean Dr. Dwayne Smith, and the staff of the OGS honor exemplary graduate students who, by their commitment and dedication to excellence, make them proud and add to USF’s prestige.

The Fellowship for Graduate Student Success if awarded to students who are academically talented and have the potential to contribute to the diversity in USF graduate programs. This includes students who have been historically underrepresented in specific disciplines along the dimensions of ethnicity and gender. Shetay received a fellowship this year and she is currently serving as a Teaching Assistant contributing to the delivery of an undergraduate course in the program. She is also assisting on a research project led by Dr. Eddie Fletcher, focusing on data collection to characterize the experience and outcomes of students participating in an urban teaching academy.

Congratulations Shetay!