On August 23, 2010, the CWE@USF held a kick-off orientation meeting for first-year (2010 Cohort) and current students (2009 Cohort) in the Master's in Career and Technical Education program. The meeting was also attended by incoming students (2010 Cohort) and students currently completing coursework (Cohort 2008) in the Ph.D. in Career and in Workforce Education. All in all, including program faculty and contributing staff, we had and about 60 participants in the kick-off meeting.
As usual, we started with concurrent sessions for both masters and doctoral students. For incoming students, we started with an orientation to the program in general conducted by program coordinators, Dr. Edward Fletcher (MA in CTE) assisted by Dr. Bill Blank, and Victor Hernandez (Ph.D. in CWE). This was followed by course overviews conducted by corresponding instructors including Dr. Blank (Social and Economic Foundations of CWE) and Dr. Fletcher (Teaching Development and Trends in CTE).
Current MA in CTE students participated in individual course meetings to be taught in the fall for an overview conducted by Dr. Johanna Lasonen (Equity and Access in the New Economy), and Victor Hernandez (Improving CTE Programs). In turn, current doctoral students participated in special-topics sessions targeting knowledge or skills pertinent to their doctoral preparation facilitated by Susan Ariew, USF Librarian, and Dr. Michelle Stewart, e-Learning Coordinator. Current doctoral students also had the chance to had a chance to get to know our new program faculty Drs. Fletecher and Lasonen and learn about their individual research interests.
Over lunch, we held a plenary session to network and build community as a program. During that time, we shared new developments in the programs, recognized incoming cohorts of students, celebrated individual student achievements, and reported on special events such as the summer study in Germany completed by students in the 2008 Cohort. At this time, we formally introduce our new program faculty, Dr. Edward Fletcher and Dr. Johanna Lasonen, acknowledged the contribution of program supporters including Susan Ariew and Dr. Michelle Stewart, and Maniphone Dickerson who assisted with kick-off meeting coordination. Of particular note was the recognition given to Dr. Bill Blank who has retired after 34 years of outstanding service at USF, and who is now the recipient of Professor Emeritus status.
Aside from some technology glitches, we had a very productive meeting and everyone left ready to start the fall semester as part of the CWE@USF community. For pictures of the kick-off meeting, you may view the slideshow here.