Monday, April 11, 2011

Cynthia Newhouse Bacheller to Present at NASPA on June 2011

Cynthia Newhose-Bacheller will be presenting at the NASPA Assessment and Persistence Conference to be held June 9 - 11, 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada. NASPA is the leading association for Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education interested in issues related to student affairs administration, policy, and practice. NASPA accepted the proposal submitted by Cynthia and Ashley Motley entitled Making Student Involvement "Work": A Practical Model for Centralizing On-Campus Student Employment.

The goals of the presentation will be to identify on-campus student employment as a major predictor of student success, share a practical model for use at peer universities, and generate discourse on ways on-campus student employment strategies at large, metropolitan, research universities can be implemented at our other institutions.

In their proposal submission, Newhouse Bacheller and Motley indicated that in a review of USF’s peer institutions, almost all institutions have a de-centralized process for student employment.  At many of these institutions, students, both undergraduate and graduate, are directed to multiple places on campus to find and apply for available jobs.  This complicated process takes the student away from their academic and social integration efforts and creates unnecessary frustration and anxiety.  In addition, most jobs reviewed on these campuses, and at USF, are general office support positions.  Some institutions have more career-focused opportunities and these will be presented as best practices.

Cynthia Newhouse Bacheller is currently leading a student success initiative housed within the Division of Human Resources to centralize, enhance, and increase on-campus student employment opportunities at the University of South Florida. Ashley Motley is the Student and Employer Relations Coordinator at the University of South Florida.